New Plants - Succulents

Amidst the succulents with leaves so fleshy, A sweet scent of incense rises so heady, A fragrant symphony of nature's gifts, A treat for the senses that the heart uplifts.

The jade plant with its green leaves so round, Its stems so strong, its roots so profound, The aloe vera with its healing touch, Its soothing balm a comfort as such.

The echeveria with its rosette so fine, Its beauty so exquisite, a treasure divine. The haworthia with its charming stripes, Its delicate nature, a wonder of life.

And in the air, the incense weaves, A magic so pure, it gently relieves, The worries that weigh upon our soul, A peace so deep, that makes us whole.

So let us bask in this wondrous scene, With succulents and incense so serene, A moment of bliss that we can savor, A gift from nature that we can cherish forever.